The Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) was founded in 1993, focusing mainly on the observation and study of birds, but over the years it has grown and evolved. It is currently one of the largest non-governmental environmental organizations in the country, with a National scope (registration nº208/N), recognized as a Public Utility entity since July 2012, and also as a Non-Governmental Development Organization since July 2021. It is the Portuguese BirdLife International’s partner, and it works daily to protect Portuguese birds and the unique habitats they depend on, monitoring the status of the birds, building nests, controlling invasive species, fighting for better laws and combating crimes against the environment.
Outdoor Activity “Birdwatching session on the Salreu Trail (BioRia) with SPEA”
Outdoor Activity “Birdwatching session on the Bocage and Jardim River Trails (BioRia) with SPEA”